Source: ----- - 1lb / approx. 2 1/3 cups basmati rice (any long-grain rice will do) - 3 tbsp salt - 8 tbsp / 1 stick butter Put the rice in a pot and cover it in cold water and salt. Let it soak overnight. (If you don’t have the time to soak it, rinse the rice with cold water until it runs clear.) Preheat your oven to 325 degrees F. Boil three quarts of water in a separate pot. Once it’s at a fast boil, drain the rice and add it to the water. Boil for 5-7min or until one grain tastes half-cooked, but not soft. Pour the rice into a colander and rinse with cold water. If your colander or strainer has large holes, you can put a paper towel/cheesecloth/clean dishcloth on the inside in order to drain your rice. Pour carefully if you’re using a paper towel, though, and put a bowl underneath your colander. Liberally grease the bottom of your baking pan with some of your butter. Pour the rice on top. Melt the rest of the butter in the microwave and pour on top of the rice. Bake for 45min. Shake the pan a couple times during baking to ensure that the butter distributes throughout the entire dish. Serves four. Can easily be scaled up/down if needed. Best enjoyed with a nice cup of chai.