Source: (available on the Internet Archive) ----- - 1 loaf of garlic bread, made in the fashion you prefer, but with the bread toasted - 1 Roma tomato, chopped - 3 cloves garlic - 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese - a handful of parsley, chiffonaded - salt - pepper - balsamic vinegar Slice the garlic bread, and broil it lightly so that the cut edges are crispy and a little bit browned. Next, treat it with more garlic, if you wish - rub the clove onto the edges of the bread, or mince the garlic and add it to the tomato. Put the tomato (and garlic, if you want) into a bowl, with the parsley and about 1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar. Add salt and pepper to taste, and let the mixture sit for a moment. If it seems too dry, add more vinegar. Turn on your broiler, and spoon the tomato mixture onto the slices of garlic bread, which you've placed on a broiling tray. Grate some Parmesan cheese onto the top of these, then broil them until it browns and melts a bit. Serve.